Monday, October 25, 2010

How To Stream Southpark On Ipod

Now let the summer go

let blow and storm winds.
If these are my rose,
how could I sad?

(Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff, 1788 - 1857)

I do not know how things go,
but I'm freezing right now ... pathetic
... I could all day
boller be next to the stove sitting browse
and Christmas magazines
* grin *
why is this beautiful, nostalgic
currently my absolute favorite
It could be my handle is
valuable old lace
and it fits so wonderfully to
my tunics ...

This beautiful
Heart of rose vines
is my current Lieblingsdeko. Delicate
So ... the metal rose
are herzallerliebst ...

Enjoy the fall!

Love, Barbara